Vikingclan Wiki

This is a list of weapons and warriors along with their attack/defence values. It is by no means comprehensive but even in it's current form it may be of some use. Please note that this table only goes as far as part way down Nidavellir - Godly Trials Adventures.

The figure in the Str. column is derived from adding the attack and defence of an item to give it's relative strength.


Type is (S)oldier or (W)eapon


(A)dventure drop, (B)oss drop, (C)rafted in Blacksmith, Battle (D)rop, (F)avor Points Purchase, (L)oyalty item

c(H)allenge drops, coins (P)urchase, (W)orld boss drops or (G)ifts

Sortable List (updated 5th, Nov. 2013)

Battle Drop Items
